The City of The Dead.
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Leanne Mae Harper

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Leanne Mae Harper Empty Leanne Mae Harper

Post by Dial-Up Thu Oct 15, 2009 5:29 pm

Leanne Mae Harper Long

Leanne Mae Harper

Gender: Female

I am a: Made Vampire, once Human

Age: 17

Brith-day:January 1, 1992


Weight:117 pounds


Sarcasm, television, live concerts, rock music, zombie movies, spiders, haunted houses, ghosts, old, cheesey horror films.


Change, leaving my friends, starting over, half of the girls at my old school.


It takes a /lot/ to scare me. And I mean /a lot/. But, I am scared of fire and heights.


I’ve been told I’m…..strange, to say the least. Death and things of that sort have always fascinated, not frightened me. I spend most of my time alone, and love to read. The few friends I had were /amazing/, and understood me when no one else did. I guess we would’ve been labeled ‘outcasts’ or ‘goths’. The labels at high school made me laugh more than anything else. I mean, if you don’t like me, don’t talk to me. It’s not that hard.

I’m sarcastic, and proud of it. I don't do it to be hurtful, though. It's just sort of natural. I have trouble controlling my temper somtimes. I love to scare people, weather its practical jokes or creeping them out with my fascination of death and other things of that nature. I speak in riddles sometimes, just to confuse people. That’s always good for a laugh, too.


Well, let’s see here. I grew up in the same town my whole life, so moving was really hard. I grew up with just my mom. I never knew my dad; he left before I was born. I never really cared to know him, though. I didn’t hold any grudges, but I wasn’t exactly ecstatic to talk about him, either.

When I was 7, I was at my friend’s house when a fire started on the stove. We were home alone, and we didn’t know what to do. Her mom and dad had gone out for groceries and were supposed to be right back. We didn’t find the fire until it had spread throughout the kitchen. We had to run through the flames to get out. We wrapped ourselves in blankets. I ran through the fire and out of the house, but my friend lost her nerve at the last minute. She was trapped in the house, and burned along with it. Ever since then, I’ve been terrified of fire.

But enough of that depressing stuff. I’m usually in a pretty good mood. I’m able to laugh a lot of things off, and am constantly cracking jokes, though some may be inappropriate at the time or place. I do it mostly to make myself less uncomfortable, though it usually does just the opposite to others.

After my friend died, I went on with life like normal. Move on and heal, that was my motto. And that’s just what I did.

Life was normal until I turned 17. My mom told me we were moving, to some rinky-dink town off the map. I was super-depressed, which is strange for me since I’m usually really happy. I’ve been called a spaz on more than one occasion.

I lied about where I was moving, because I didn’t want them to know we were going to such a small town. But once I got there, I was blown away.

Graveyards, everywhere! My dream come true! Well, not really, but you know what I mean. I was distinctly happier after that, though some of the residents kinda creeped me out. And like I said before, that’s hard to do.

I’ve always believed in ghosts, and hoped someday to maybe meet one. Silly, right? Well, after seeing this town, I’m starting to think that may just happen more and more.


Call me Lee or Anne. Never both together. Ever.

Posts : 2144
Join date : 2009-10-15
Age : 29
Location : Under your bed. You should really clean down here.

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