The City of The Dead.
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Rue Marie Alexander

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Rue Marie Alexander Empty Rue Marie Alexander

Post by Dial-Up Sat Apr 24, 2010 12:52 pm

Rue Marie Alexander Goth-2

Rue Marie Alexander


I am a:


April 17


105 pounds


People who judge a book by its cover
People who intentionally try to make her angry

Nothing she would ever let on, but she really only fears losing someone close to her again, like her sister, or opening up and getting hurt. Trusting someone.

Rue seems angry and bitter on the outside, but it’s only to keep certain people away. She’s had too many experiences with people who she thought she could trust but couldn’t. She wants to trust them, though. She really is a dreamer. She often drifts off and will start talking about whatever is on her mind, regardless of what was being said minutes before. She’s very opinionated and has her own view about everything, but people usually don’t take much time to listen. She loves to talk about anything and everything to anyone will listen, though at the same time she doesn’t mind silences. It seems to take very little to get under her skin. She’s hard to figure out; one moment she could be yelling at you, and the next trying to be your friend.

Rue grew up in New York City with her mom and dad and younger sister, Arianna, who was 5 years younger than her. When Rue was 4, before her sister was even born, her father came home drunk. She remembered coming up to him, while her mom struggled to pull her back. Her father grabbed her and then she remembered a searing pain all up and down her arms and hands and her her stomach, and then nothing. She woke up and the evidence of what had happened was there, but she never spoke of it, though she didn't say a word to her father until she was 10 years old.

When Rue was 13, her younger sister disappeared. They never figured out what happened to her. She was 8 years old at the time, and they assumed she was abducted, or killed. Rue spent most of her time sifting through her sister’s things, trying to figure out what had happened, but the police knew nothing, and neither did she. Eventually they accepted that she was gone. No funeral; just gone.

Growing up, she was always into things no one else was. Ghost stories, horror movies, things like that. They fascinated her, and she always liked to think that there was a whole other world out there, one full of vampires or werewolves, or the undead. She found things appealing that others would run and hide from.

She always missed her sister, but they never spoke of her. Her room remained untouched until she turned 15, and they moved again, this time to Miami. Rue hated the beach, and refused to go if her mom tried to drag her there, for more reasons than one. When she finally did go, as if the stares at her arms and stomach weren't enough, she was pulled out by a tide and almost drowned, and has refused to go swimming or near any water since.

High school was a place she hated. She thought she had made a friend, but then later she turned around and stabbed her in the back, leaving her alone once more. She met a boy, named Joseph, who seemed like her dream come true. She opened up to him and told him things about herself that she would never tell anyone else, told him about her views of the world, everything, only to find out that he asked her out as a dare to see how long he could keep it up. After that, she withdrew into herself and didn’t speak to anyone.

She did meet one more boy after that. His name was Ian, but she never told anyone about him, not even her parents. He was the one your parents warned you about, but she didn't realize that until it was too late. He took her to the parties, drove her around even though she wasn't supposed to be going anywhere with him, and was always with her. He was the 'rebel 'of the school, the one always in detention. One night they went to a party, and he drank too much. She refused to get into the car with him even though he insisted on driving, saying he was fine. He wasn't. He ran straight into another car, and was killed instantly. She didn't hear about it until the next day at school.

When she turned 17, her parents announced that they were moving again, this time to a town she’d never heard of before. Dale.

She’s hardly ever seen without her notebook or mp3 player, and never takes off her jacket, no matter what the weather. She never told anyone why and she doesn't plan on ever doing so. It's her own secret, something she holds close and will never let go of, no matter how much she wants to.

Posts : 2144
Join date : 2009-10-15
Age : 29
Location : Under your bed. You should really clean down here.

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