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Ash vampires

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Ash vampires Empty Ash vampires

Post by Denis Sat Jan 23, 2010 4:22 pm

Ash vampires- Fire bloods- Phoenixs

The phoenix repersents how new things can be born from the ashes of old things. Phoenixs are often though of as a flameing bird. Really they are ash vampires. They are vampires born form another vampire's ashes. It is rare, but sometimes when a vampire is killed, a new vampire is formed from their ashes. It is so rae that most born vampires don't eve know about them.

They wake up where the born vampire was set on fire. They wake up in pure white shafts, and slmost look like they were about to be saraficed to some old world god. They will be confused, and will wonder until they find something slightly famlier.

They look like, act like, and even think like the vampire they were born from. But don't let that confused you, they are their own person, there are a few little things that make them different. The Phoeix holds the memories and feelings of the vampie which they were born. The memories usaully come in flashes, so they won't have an complete understanding of who they are. Feelings are a really hard thing for them to understand, since they have their own feelings, and the feelings of the vampire they came from. They tend to be very confused people.

When they wake up, they already know their name and what they are. But they won't know who they were born from, not until they put enough of the flashs of memories together. That could take years. They will also know what they can and can't do.

Ash vampires are closer to the story book vampire. Crosses burn them, holy water makes them smoke, garlic keeps them away, they don't show up in the mirror at all, turns to ash when in the sun, albeit it's only for the day, and all that fun stuff. The only thing that is different is that ash vampires can't die. Flames won't kill them, stakes won't even phase them. And they can cry, tears can fall down their cheeks.

Phoenixs almost never tll anyone what they are.

[[I'll post more below, if I come up with more.]]

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Join date : 2009-10-15
Age : 30
Location : Some where in the inbetween.

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